Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet and AlphaGraphics territories and centers are operated by independent Master Licensees and/or Franchisees that operate under a franchise agreement under the brand name of Mail Boxes Etc./MBE, PostNet or AlphaGraphics. The services offered by the individual Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet and AlphaGraphics centers can vary depending upon the location. Mail Boxes Etc., MBE, PostNet and AlphaGraphics are registered trademarks used with permission of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
MBE Worldwide S.p.A.
V.le Lunigiana 35/37 - 20125 Milan (IT)
Tel. +39 02 67.625.777 – fax +39 02 67.625.778
Share Capital € 200.000,00 R.E.A. Milan No. 1818225 - Milan Register of Companies - Fiscal Code/VAT Num. 05393070965