MBE Power Blocks

Our Service Bundle

People and firms face constant daily challenges. Solutions require multiple skills, time and tools. Ours can solve most of them.

Whether your time or your business's, optimizing is crucial in our hectic, digitial world. Prioritizing can make the difference between top performance and mediocrity. MBE turns others' routines into customized solutions to generate real efficiencies and savings by substituting their own limited human capital resources with ours.

Our Mission

We go to our customers, listen, then craft custom solutions to fit their unique circumstances. The first feel-good step is on us. Our definition of business-as-usual.

MBE operates in the business services industry offering shipping, logistic, communication and postal support. We empower private and business customers - mainly small and medium-sized companies - to improve productivity via outsourcing non-core needs and processes to MBE.

Our Brand

1.800+ retail owners deliver MBE through an unparalleled personal approach to customer service. Our reputation and strength in numbers has real value.

A brand is as strong as the people standing behind it. MBE's reputation has been built through decades of entrepreneurial excellence, superior quality service and enviable customer loyalty. Our owners uphold our brand tradition with each day and customer interaction.

Why customers choose MBE

© Mail Boxes Etc. 2024 - Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet and AlphaGraphics territories and centers are operated by independent Master Licensees and/or Franchisees that operate under a franchise agreement under the brand name of Mail Boxes Etc./MBE, PostNet or AlphaGraphics. Through the franchise network, Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet and AlphaGraphics provide support services - mainly shipping, logistics, printing, marketing and communication services - for businesses and individuals. Mail Boxes Etc., MBE, PostNet and AlphaGraphics are registered trademarks used with permission of Fortidia - a registered trademark of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. - and its subsidiaries (All rights reserved. MBE Worldwide purchased the MBE trademark and system from United Parcel Service of America in 2009 for all areas of the world except the United States of America and Canada, which continue to be owned by UPS). The services offered by the individual Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet and AlphaGraphics centers can vary depending upon the location. The material available on this website, the information contained herein and any other relevant related data may not in any manner be copied, distributed, changed, republished, reproduced, downloaded or forwarded to third parties, without the expressed prior written authorization of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. We accept no responsibility with regard to the unauthorized use of the material available on this Internet site, the information and/or the data contained herein.

© 2024 Fortidia - Trademark of MBE Worldwide S.p.A | Global Headquarters: Viale Lunigiana, 35-37 20125 Milan (IT) | Tel. +39.02.67625777 Share capital € 268.142,00 i.v. | R.E.A. Milan N. 1818225 | Business Register of Milan and Fiscal code/VAT 05393070965